Sunday, August 11, 2019

Chapter 28: You Make My Dreams Come True

"Ash it looks like you are in very good flower delivering hands, so I'm going to skedaddle across the road." Stacey announced feeling like an out of place third wheel.

"Stace you don't have to leave, just because John showed up."

"No but I know y'all would rather be alone." 

"Oh it's fine." Ashley looked at Stacey with a sort of pleading look on her face that her cousin had just a little trouble deciphering.

Stacey looked at John who had a little smirk on his face when he jumped up to open the door for her. "Oh we hate to see you go Stacey." John grabbed for the door, oh so glad she was leaving.

"Yeah yeah, I just bet you do." Stacey said sarcastically and began to snicker.

"Let me walk you out my dear cousin." Ashley jumped off the couch and plastered a big fake smile on her face and walked right past John. "I'll be right back."

"Okay baby." John shut the door and sat down on the couch.

"Where are you going? Ashley yelled in a low scream?" And emphasized with a horrified facial expression.

"I told you, home." She wrinkled up her forehead. "What's wrong with you? She grinned trying  to to figure her out.

"You can't just leave me here alone with him!"

"Why not?" She giggled. "You've been alone with him before."

"Cut it out Stacey!" He's gonna expect me to to sleep with him again, if we're here  alone!"

"Yeah guys get that strange  idea when you roll around in the sack with them moaning, "oh Johnny, yeah Johnny, oh do it to me Johnny!" She laughed.

"Shut up!" Ashley giggled. "I'm serious!"

"Well what's wrong? Hell I would think you would want to, now that you've already done it with him before."

"Oh God no! I'm so sore! There's no way I can!"

"Oh! Stacey's eyes got big with her finally understanding. "You will just have to tell him. He'll understand."

"John was sitting on the couch realizing he had just scarfed down half a bag of sour cream and onion chips and ran to the bathroom in search of some mouth wash. He had big plans for him and his girl if they were going to be alone."

"Are you sure? I don't want him to think I didn't like it or I'm mad at him or something." Ashley asked.

"Oh so you liked it,  huh?" Stacey teased her and grinned.

"You know what I mean?" Ashley was getting a little bit annoyed.

"Look honey, there's going to be plenty of times, that you don't want to have sex! Now you just march back inside and if he brings it up, you just explain the reason why you can't. Say something like this, oh Johnny, I'm so sorry I can't have sex with you so soon. You were so extremely big and I'm having a lot of trouble walking around today!" She giggled.

"Oh I knew better than to tell you anything." Ashley grinned shaking her head.

"Well you know what's good for your problem?"

She looked at her hesitating to ask. "What?"

"Sex, sex and more sex." She laughed.

"Oh God!" Ashley groaned.

John looked out the door wondering what the heck they were talking about.

"I'm serious honey, the more you do it, the easier it will get. But now you have me curious. Just how big was Johnny?"

"Oh my God Stace! I don't carry a ruler around in my pocket!"

"Well if you had to describe it, what would you say?"

"I don't know! "It looked huge to me!" She giggled. 

"Well you've seen Bret's. Is he bigger than Bret?"

John opened the door and stepped out. "What's going on out here? You're taking forever!" He smiled and sat down on the bench in her front yard.

"Oh nothing, I'm done." Ashley grinned and walked his way.

"Bye Ash!" Stacey hollerd.

"Bye Stace!" She turned around and smiled. "And the answer to your question is yes!" She shouted and began to giggle.

Stacey turned back. "I knew it!" Stacey giggled walking across the road.

"Do I want to know what that was all about?" John asked, pulling her down beside him on the bench.

"Oh nothing really, just a little girl talk." She smiled.

"Okay. He just shook his head grinning.

He stood up. "Come on, let's go in."

"Okay." She got up and followed him inside her house.

He sat on the couch and she sat in her Dad's wingback chair.

"Why are you all the way over there?" He asked her trying to use a sexy deeper voice.

"I don't know, I just sat here."

"You got anything that plays music in this place?"

She kind of swallowed hard. I have a stereo in my bedroom. 

"Okay let's go check it out."


He grabbed her hand and led her to the stairs. They went up and went into her room.

He noticed her big pioneer stereo in the corner. "How did I miss this last time I was in here? This is nice baby!"


He turned it on and started flipping through the stations. She heard Hall and Oates intro music to you make my dreams."Oh my God! Stop it there, I love this song!"

He chukled at her enthusiasm for the tune. She started singing it and dancing around.

She noticed him laying on the bed watching her. The song went off and she turned it down. "What?" She asked.

"Nothing. I just like watching you be so happy baby."

"I am totally happy, and a lot of that is thanks to you."

"I'm glad I make you happy baby. Come here."

"Okay, but I have to go to the bathroom."

She went in  and shut the door and started pacing back and forth. She was so nervous. She wasn't sure what she wanted to say to him.

 She stepped back in her room  and he was, looking sexy as hell,  laid out on her bed looking through one of her magazines.
"Oh hell, God he's gorgeous." She thought as
She sat down and he dropped the mgazine and scooted over toward her. "What's wrong?"


"You seem nervous, you aren't nervous around me, are you?" He grinned.

"No, of course not!"

"Good." He leaned over and began to kiss her and caress he back. She could taste the minty freshness of his mouthwash.

She broke her lips free. And put her hands on his chest and pushed him a little.

"John wait!"

"What is it?"

"John I can't!"

"You can't what?" He asked tilting his head.

"I can't have sex with you right now!"

He laughed. "What? We were just kissing."

"But I know you want to do more and I just can't!"

"Ashley what is it? What's wrong? Are you still mad at me? I told you I was sorry!"

"No it's not that. It's just, I'm really sore right now and I'm sorry but I can't do it with you!"

"It's okay baby. I should have thought about that. I'm sorry."

"It's okay John. The kiss was nice."

"Thanks baby."

"I know you probably forgot, but I have a show tonight at the Fast Lane."

"Yeah, I'm sorry, I did forget."

"Do you want to go? I understand if you don't want to see a lot of people right now."

"Well I am nervous about who all saw the tape. But I wouldn't miss you playing for anything. Yeah, I'll go." She smiled looking at him.

"Okay good."He kissed her and pinned her back on her mattress. "I love you Ashley, and when you feel better, you and your whole hot body are all mine."

He leaned down and kissed her again with such heat she felt like she needed to be doused with the water hose once it was over.

But since he knew this wasn't going anywhere and he was now almost fully hard, he realized he had to get the hell out of here. 

"I've got to go. I'm supposed to meet Jack and the guys to go over a couple of songs for tonight. I'll be back about seven to pick you up."

"I'll be ready."

"Bye baby."

"Bye John."

John drove over to meet Jack. And Ashley went upstairs to soak in a hot bath.

She felt really nervous about showing her face at the club. She wouldn't miss John playing for world, but this nervous knot in her belly, wondering who all had seen the tape, just wouldn't go away.

John pulled up at the Fast Lane. The band had always practiced there, in the basement. He used the side entrance and walked into the rehearsal.

"Well look who decided to show guys?"

"No way, I ain't late this time Jack!" John smiled knowing Jack was full of shit.

"I'm just messing with you. Did you find David?"

"Yeah. He was there, on the roof, but it was Alec that recorded it all and showed it to every damn body! Not him."

"So his face doesn't match Alec's?"

"Nah, me and Lemma go way back! I believe what he told me. But Alec, he's shady as shit, man! Always has been."

"Yeah, I know what you mean."

"So did you patch things up with Ashley?"

"Yeah, I bought her a big ass bunch of roses and took them by and gave them to her."

"Cool, that had to be rough for her. Thinking you were in on it."

"Yeah, you know I'm an asshole, but not that big of an asshole!" He laughed.

"I didn't think so. You know Stacey was pretty pissed and Tracy was just making it worse. Me and Richie had to hold her back from kicking Tracy's ass for talking shit about Ashley."

John laughed. "Hell you should have let her go."

"Yeah, maybe. We need to go over a few songs for tonight."

"Yeah can we do one extra song?" John asked but he wasn't going to take no for an answer.

"Which one?"

"You know that Hall and Oates song, you make my dreams?"

"I know it, but we ain't playing that shit man!" Jack shouted putting out his cigarette.

"Come on Jack, we've got to play it! Ashley loves it man, and I want to surprise her tonight with it!"

"That's radio bubble gum shit and you know it! When we started this band we said we wouldn't play that shit! Only cool rock covers! What will the people that come out to see us think?"

"I'll smooth it over. I'll announce it's just for her and not our normal stuff. Jack you saw how hurt she was when she saw that tape playing man! I saw her today listening to this song and she was happier than I've ever seen her. Please, I'll get on my knees and beg you bro, please let us play this song for her!"

Jack blew his breath. "Hell no don't get on your damn knees, anywhere near me!" He chuckled. We can play it, but you better make sure the crowd understands it's a one time deal, just for her!"

John smiled really big. "Thanks Jack it will mean a lot to her man!"

"Okay come on let's get started we got three songs to go over and a whole damn new one to learn!"

Ashley had changed outfits three times and still wasn't sure what to wear. She was standing in front of the mirror when her phone rang.


"Hey baby. You missed me yet?"

"Of course. How did your practice go?"

"Okay we just got finished. I'm headed home to get ready now. So I'll be over there as soon as I can."

"Okay, I'm almost ready."

"Okay, I love you."

"I love you too."


"Bye baby."

She settled on  the black dress she loved and decided to put her hair up. But she was careful to pull just enough hair down in the  back to cover her scars on the back of her neck, that she was so self conscious of.

She looked in the mirror one last time. "Oh I think John is going to love this dress."

John showed up at seven just like he said he would. He knocked and she came to the door.

When she opened the door, he smelled her perfume which reminded him of the ocean and flowers.

"Damn baby. You are looking so hot tonight. Did you do all that just for me?"

"You know I did." She lightly smiled and picked up her purse, checking him out.

"You are looking mighty fine tonight John!"

"Thanks baby."

 You know sometimes, I hate that your hair, always looks better than mine!" She giggled.

"Haha I worked hard on my hair." He reached up trying to fluff it up a little more and made some pouty lips while he fussed over it.

"Wow, John standing there like that, you really do look like a rock star!"

"Thanks baby. I'm thinking about getting a tattoo."

"Really? What of?"

"Ashley in big letters!" He chuckled.

"No seriously, what?"

"I don't know. Let's go down to the boardwalk tomorrow and we can look around there's a tattoo shop there."

Okay, I haven't been there yet."

They walked out to his car and got in and drove to the club. He parked and she sat there making no move to get out.

He could tell she was nervous. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, just building up my courage to face anybody that might have seen me in my birthday suit."

"I've seen you in it and it's an awesome suit." He smiled. "Don't let anybody give you a hard time in here. If they do, just let me know."

"Thanks John. How is it, you are so sweet to me?"

"You bring it out in me I guess. Are you ready to go in?"

"Yeah I am."

They walked in and she had a death grip on John's hand, just about to cut his circulation off. He was going to say something, but maybe it makes her feel better he thought and dismissed it. To her surprise nobody, so far, mentioned it or acted like they had seen the tape.

She sat at a table up front by the band. John bought her a margarita and sat it down. She said thanks and sipped it but it wasn't really what she wanted. He was busy getting ready for the show and she slipped off to the bar with her red pass. "Can I get some champagne please." She smilled and dropped her pass on the bar.

She got her glass of joyous liquid and began to drink it as she watched a group of girls gathering at the stage watching John, plugging up some equipment.

As a familiar voice rang out behind her and grabbed her.

"Hey beautiful." She turned around.

"Hey Bret."

"I've been calling you,  and haven't been able to reach you yet."

"Sorry I've been busy."

"Are you going to take my job offer. Harold's pushing me to hire somebody."

"I want to, but so much has been going on and it just doesn't seem like the right time."

"Well I need to know by Friday, I can't stall Harold anymore after that."

"Thanks Bret, I'll let you know."

John was on the stage and noticed Bret putting his arm around Ashley's neck. He was trying not to be a jealous prick, but this guy always seemed to rub him the wrong way and wanted to be anywhere his girl was. This just didn't set right with John.

Bret got up and John breathed a sigh of relief as he walked away from her. So he went back to getting ready.

Ashley was walking to the table when some drunk guy bumped into her.

"Sorry." She blurted out.

"I know you!" He grinned an all knowing smile at her.

"No I don't think you do, excuse me." She turned to leave and he grabbed her arm.

"Yeah, you're the girl that was getting it on with Johnny Bongiovi in the video at Jack's!" He laughed. That was an awesome tape. Are there anymore, can I buy one?"

"No please leave me alone!" She hurried away. She looked back at this asshole and ran into a table and dropped her purse. She turned around and a guy was kneeling to pick it up.

He stood up and handed it to her. "Don't I know you? He smiled

"No it wasn't me on the damn tape! Now leave me alone!" She yelled.

He looked at her all confused. "Ashley, I'm Mark, we met in here a few weeks ago." He smiled handing her the purse.

"Oh I'm sorry. Yes, I remember you." She smiled.

John caught her smile, out of the corner of his eye, as he was trying out his guitar.

He remembered this dude from a while back and wondered just what this punk was trying to pull with his girl. He was trying not to be the jealous type, he really was, but she was his and he wanted everybody to know it and back the hell off of her.

"I'm sorry I never called you, but I lost your number. But if you give it to me again, I promise to guard it with me life, this time. He smiled a brilliant white smile, that made John miss three notes on the practice song he was strumming.

"What's with you?" Jack called out, noticing the misplayed notes and John's weird expression.

"Nothing, I just messed up, no big deal."

John was still watching her when Jack noticed the distraction. "Oh somebody's moving in on your girl!" He laughed. "He's probably seen the tape!"

John put his guitar down and jumped off the stage. And slowly walked up to her as he heard her saying words that sounded like music to his ears. " I'm sorry but I have a boyfriend, and I can't give you my number, he's the singer in this band on stage."

She looked up and smiled as she noticed him standing there. "John!"

"Hey baby, we're about to start."

"John this is Mark."

"Hey man. How's it going?"

"Good man."

John grabbed her hand and began walking her back to the table in front of the stage.

"I've got a surprise for you."

"What is it?"

"Nope. You'll just have to wait and see. I love you."

"I love you too."

"I've got to get back up there." He kissed her and returned up to the stage. As she sat down up front ready for her surprise.

The Rest played a cover of Bad Company's Shooting Star. Which Ashley knew all the words to, because her brother played it around the house about a million times. She loved this version John was singing, better. He was looking so hot, like a scene right out of a rock magazine. He was all hers and she was really loving watching him strut around with the microphone.

She sat back and watched him take total command of the stage. He belted out every word like he owned them. He had girls swooning all in the front row. Which Ashley didn't too much care for. But she knew she would be leaving on his arm tonight. So she tried to overlook the screams of "Johnny!" And the catcalls that seemed to go, right along with them. John felt hot. He threw his jacket off.

He had his eyes on her. He held up one finger.

 She began to smile, because she knew that was only for her. The secret they shared. He loved her and wanted her to know it. She put her hands together in the shape of a heart and held it up.

 He winked at her and gave her a smile that lit up the stage like wildfire. He was ready to do the song for her. He nodded over to Jack.

John walked up front with the mic.

"We are going to do a little something different tonight. It was all my idea and Jack wants me to let you know that we won't be playing this on a regular basis." He chuckled.

"There's somebody here that's very special to me and she loves this song." He looked right at her. "Ashley I love you baby and the words to this song say what I'm feeling. You make my dreams come true!" They played the intro to the song and John began to sing it right to her.

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