Thursday, August 15, 2019

Chapter 30: The First Heartbreak Is The Worst

Ashley ran over to them. "Stop it! Y'all stop this now!" She yelled.

"Go get in the damn car Ashley!" John yelled at her. Trying to get her out of the way, so she wouldn't get hurt.

As he was remembering everything she had ever told him, this punk did to her. He was furious, and he wasn't backing down. But he wanted to be sure she was safe.

Jake just found out they had slept together. He was so pissed he was about to explode.

"Ashley you don't have to go with him, you can leave with me!" Jake shouted as he stood there staring at John.

"Oh she ain't going anywhere with you asshole!" John yelled. Getting a little closer to him.

They were similar in size and height and anger. Everybody was standing up the hill watching this play out. Ashley had moved back a little. If they were determined to fight. She didn't want to get in the middle of it, but she wasn't going to get in the damn car.

Jake took a swing at John, but John ducked and he missed. John swung at Jake and connected with his cheek. Jake fell backwards.

Ashley screamed. "John stop it please! Let's just leave!"

John ignored her pleas.

Jake came forward at John and grabbed a hold of him and took him to the ground. John hit the back of his head on the asphalt. He was a little disoriented. Richie and David could tell something wasn't right. They pulled Jake off of him.

"Johnny, are you okay man?" Richie was slapping him lightly on his cheek. They grabbed his arms and were trying to help get him up on his feet.

When all of a sudden everyone heard Ashley scream. They looked over and she was kicking and screaming and Jake threw her in his driver side door and slid in behind her. John tried, but he couldn't get up. Richie and David ran to the car and as they reached it, Jake drove off.

John somehow managed to get on his feet and staggered toward his car.

 "Wait man! We're going with you! Let me drive!" Richie grabbed for the keys. They all got in John's car, and Richie left out of the parking lot driving like a maniac.

They could still see Jake's lights up ahead on the road. John was slowly getting his bearings. "Catch up to that motherfucker Richie!" All he could think about now was Jake saying he was going to rape her and Ashley being so fucking drunk, she wouldn't be able to fight him off. "We've got to catch up to him! Take that shortcut that comes out by the Starland ballroom!"

Richie swerved and made the turn. John hit his head on the car window and winced from the pain from the already tender spot on his head. They came out  beside the ball room. "Cut your lights man!" John yelled. The Charger approched and Richie backed out causing Jake to run off in the ditch.

They jumped out and Richie opened Jake's door and pulled him out. And Richie and David held his arms behind his back as John beat the living shit out of him, Jersey style.

Jake slumped to the ground and John crawled through the driver door. "Ashley are you okay baby? Did he hurt you?"

 Her eyes were full of tears. "John!" She cried out. "I'm okay."

"Come on." He helped her out of the car.

"Let's go! We need to get the hell out of here!" Richie yelled, looking at John.

Ashley felt something wet on her hand and she looked down and it was blood. She looked at John. "Oh my God! You're bleeding John!" He grabbed the back of his head and looked at his fingers and there was blood on them. He took his shirt off and balled it up. And stuck it to his head.

"You need to go to the hospital!" Ashley exclaimed, so worried about him.

"Hell no, I'm fine baby! Let's  go get your car Richie! We've got to get the fuck out of here!"

They pulled up at the old mill and Richie got out and jumped in his car. David got out and dove in the driver seat of John's car and drove off with Richie following. They drove straight to Richie's. His Mom used to be a nursing assistant, and she had bandaged them up way more times than she could count.

Richie unlocked the door. "Go to my room and I'll go get my Mom!"

Ashley held on to John and helped him to Richie's room. He could walk there okay, but he loved her being so close to him.

"He sat on Richie's bed and continued to hold his shirt on his head.

"He saw the worried look on Ashley's face. "It's okay baby. I'll be fine."

Richie and his Mom entered the bedroom.

John could tell Ashley wasn't doing well with the sight of the blood. "David take her in the other room."

"No John!" She argued.  "I'm staying!"

She stood her ground determined not to leave.

"Hey don't let any of that blood get on my new sheets!" Richie hollered out.

Joan removed the shirt to get a good look at the wound and a little stream of blood leaked down John's neck and Ashley gasped and passed out right there, hitting her head on the hard floor.

"Damn Ashley!" John yelled. And grabbed for her.

"No John you sit and hold this back on your head! Richie pick her up and lay her on the bed!" Joan demanded.

"What happened to her?" John questioned.

"It was the blood, dear. Some people just can't take the sight of it. Let me check her head out. She looked at the back of her head under her hair. "Oh my Lord what happened to her? How did she get these scars?"

"She fell down some stairs and had a bunch of stitches. She had a lot of head trauma. She was in the hospital for a while." John told her sadly.

There's a little knot, but it's not swelling up. I think she'll be okay. Let me clean your wound up and then we'll wake her up with some smelling salts."

She cleaned John up and got it to stop bleeding. "You've got a hard head!" Joan laughed as she put on the bandage. "Now tell me just what you boys were involved in tonight."

"Ashley's ex is in town and he's the reason she has all those scars."

"Oh my God!" Joan replied.

"He wanted to fight me, so we fought!"

"Does he look worse than your head?" Joan asked.

John smiled looking at Richie. "Oh yeah, you could say that!"

"She looked down at John's knuckles swollen and bleeding a little. Here let me clean those too."

She got John all fixed up and turned to help Ashley.

"Please don't anybody mention seeing her scars, she's very self conscious about them." John knew she would hate it, if she thought they had seen them.

"We won't dear." Joan answered for all of them.

Ashley was laying on Richie's bed with them standing around her as she came to, getting a huge wiff of the smelling salts.

John smiled. "There's those pretty blue eyes, I love so much. Are you okay, baby?"

"What happened? What's that smell?" She wrinkled up her forhead.

"You saw me bleeding and passed out. That's smelling salts, we had to use those to wake you up."

"Oh John are you okay?" She tried to sit up but regretted it when the pounding got worse.

"Yes, I'm fine now." He turned to show her a little bandage on the back of his head. It's not that bad, I promise. Richie's Mom got it to stop bleeding and she cleaned it up."

"I'm sorry I passed out! Blood freaks me out. Especially since my accident. I was covered in it."

"Well you hit your head on the floor. You have a knot on the back of it. We must look like twins." He laughed.

"I'm so sorry you got hurt John. It's all my fault!"

"No it's not Ashley! I got in plenty of fights before you got here. Richie's Mom has patched me up plenty of times."

Ashley looked at Joan. "Thank you so much for taking care of John and me."

"You are very welcome dear. Is your head hurting?"

"Yes mam."

"Okay let me go get you something for that." She left the room and came back with some little tablets and some water.

Ashley swallowed the pills and drank some water. "Thank you."

"You are very welcome. I'd like you two to stay here so I could keep an eye on both of your tough noggins." Joan smiled.

"Okay let me call Ma and Ash call your Dad."

"Hello." A groggy Carol answered.

"Hey Ma, sorry to wake you. I'm staying at Richie's tonight. Okay?"

"Okay. Are you boys in for the night?"

"Yep. We are."

"Good, thanks for letting me know. Good night."

"Good night Ma."

Ashley called her Dad and was suprised he was still up.


"Dad hey it's me. I'm staying with Stacey tonight."

"Okay baby. Love you."

"Love you too Dad."

"Do you need to call your parents David?" Joan asked.

"No they already know I am staying with Richie tonight."

"Okay, well I'm going back to bed if you need me for anything just let me know." Joan left and walked back to her room.

"Come on David let's go crash in the spare room so these love birds can be alone and nurse their wounds." Richie chuckled.

Richie and David walked to the spare bedroom down the hall.

John turned all the lights out except for a small lamp next to the bed. "You got room on that bed for me?"

She scooted over a little. John dropped his levi's on the floor and climbed in the bed only wearing his underwear.

"Hey." He smiled at her.

"Hey." She smiled back at him.

"I'm so glad to finally have you all to myself." He snuggled up to her under the covers. They wrapped their bodies around each other.

"You feel so good baby. "How is your head?"

"It's pounding like a drum." She replied.

"Mine too." He laughed a little and winced in pain from the throbbing in his head.

"I love you Ash, when I saw Jake grab you  and I couldn't get to you, It was killing me."

"How did you get up? You were so out of it."

"I had to, I couldn't let him take you."

"Thank you John, I love you so much. I've never felt this way about anybody."

"Not even Bret?

"No not Bret."


"What about you? Are there any girls from your past, that you are still carrying a torch for?"

"Nah not really."

"Not Dorothea?"

"No we fought too damn much. It's a relief not to be with her anymore."

"What about Patty?"

"I don't even think about her." John's facial expression changed. "Let's talk about something else." He suggested.

"But I have some questions?"

"About Patty? Why? What's bringing this up?"

"Her cousin bumped into me at the Fast Lane. She saw me on stage with you and asked me if we were together."

"Don't worry about Patty, she's old news to me. It didn't end well. I try to block her out of my mind."

"But her cousin said she wasn't over you."

"Really? She said that? She seems perfectly fine without me." John really didn't want to get into this right now. "Come on let's talk about us baby."

"No John! Do you still love her?"

"Ash, please I can't go there. I don't want to bring all this old shit up!"

"You told me she broke your heart!"

"And she did! I loved her and she really didn't give a shit about me!" John's eyes were so sad. The hurt in his voice rang right through to Ashley's ears.

"You said she cheated on you! What happened?"

"We had been together for a while. She was my first real relationship. I was crazy about her, but she always seemed a little distracted. I wasn't ever really her first priority."

"When we slept together it sealed it for me, I didn't want anybody else. But she was always flirting and hanging with other guys. I went to her Mom's house one day to surprise her and I was the one that got the surprise."

"She was in bed with the new guitar player that had joined the band. I didn't want to believe it. I could hear her having sex and moaning. I told myself, that wasn't what it was. It couldn't be. I opened up her bedroom door and there she was riding him. They were really going at it!"

"Oh my God! Did you fight him?"

"No, I turned and left. There wasn't any need to fight him. I saw them having sex together and she was so in to it. He didn't make her do that. She wanted to."

"My heart broke in half, standing there watching her with him and I promised myself that I would never get all wrapped up in a girl, like that ever again."

"Was she the first girl to break your heart?"

"Yeah she was."

"I'm so sorry John. The first heartbreak is always the worst! So do you still love her?"

He looked over at her with pain still showing in his eyes. "Ash baby, I love you. I have since the first time I ever saw you."

He leaned over and kissed her softly and gently. He opened his eyes. "There's nobody else in this world for me but you. Take this off." He tugged at her dress.

She pulled it off and he threw it on the floor.  He looked at her only wearing  her black lace panties. "God you are so beautiful. I can't believe sometimes you're really mine."

 He ran his fingers from her breast to her panties. Barely touching her skin.

He looked into her eyes.

"I want you baby. I want to be close with you again. I want to feel myself moving inside you." He kissed her deeply running his tongue around inside her mouth. He pulled at her panties and felt how wet she had gotten, just from his kiss. He grabbed her panties and tugged them down her legs and removed them and threw them on the floor.

Somehow the removal of the thin lace, left her feeling so vulnerable. He kissed her again swirling his tongue around hers as he grabbed her hands with his and moved them above her head and held them there. While he kissed her neck licking and sucking and moved to her ear and licked inside her ear and sucked on her ear lobe. I love you Ash. Please fuck me baby!"

"Oh God!" She thought as she squirmed under his grasp. She was so turned on and him talking dirty to her was only making it worse. She had never wanted anybody more than him, right now this minute.

He pulled his underwear off and tossed them on the floor. He reached down and entered her hot wet slickness with one of his fingers. "Oh my God she's on fire!" He thought as he lightly thrusted into her with his finger trying to loosen her up a little. She was still tight as hell. He pulled it out and began kissing her and he entered two fingers inside her and she moaned  rather loudly through their kiss. "Are you okay?" He asked kissing her neck.

"Yes, don't stop! Please! She moaned in a breathy whisper. He thrusted harder with his fingers and flicked at her clit with his thumb. She was going insane and he felt her tightening around his fingers. "Oh God John!" She yelled out. He stopped and started laughing. "You've got to be quiet baby!" He whispered. And she laughed.

"It just feels so good." She grinned.

He started kissing her again and slowly moved on top of her. He placed the head of his dick at her entrance and she bucked  a little with anticipation of him being inside her again. Filling her up to the hilt. He entered her slowly and she was so hot and tight he thought he might explode inside her right then.

"Oh my God Ashley, you feel so good baby. Oh damn I love you." He began to roll his hips lightly and  thrust inside her slowly.

"Oh John!" She cried out loudly again, but he was in the middle of heaven right now and he really didn't give a damn if anybody heard her.

He pushed deeper and slowly she loosened up. He slowed down as he felt himself shoot off just a little, inside her. He wasn't ready for this to be over yet. So he was going to hold off his orgasm as long as he could. It felt too damn good inside her.

He began to thrust into harder and she begged for it. "Oh God John! Oh yeah please!" He pounded her harder and she wrapped her legs around his round plump ass which made him go deeper and she screamed. "Oh God!"  She tightened up around him and he couldn't hold back any longer.

 "Oh my God! Oh damn! John!" She yelled as her body convulsed and tightened around his throbbing cock as he yelled out, "oh fuck!" When her tightness began to milk him and he exploded his big load all inside her. He fell on top of her, out of breath with a huge grin on his face. "I love you so much baby."

"I love you too, John."

He started laughing and rolled off, next to her.

"What's so funny?"

"Richie's going to be so pissed."


"There's cum all over his new sheets!" He laughed.

"Oh my God!" She giggled.

Richie and David were in the room next door with their ears glued to the wall. They had been ever since the first, oh God John, had rung out piercing their side of the wall.

"Damn I need a cold shower now!" Richie laughed.

"Yeah me too!" David chuckled. John is so fucking lucky!"

"I know it. I don't hear shit now! They must of went to sleep. And I am too. Richie replied, sitting on the bed.

"Me too."

They laid down and tried to sleep but all they could hear was John and Ashley's passion filled cries still ringing in their heads.

John was holding Ashley lightly stroking her arm when he realized she had fallen asleep.

"Good night baby." He whispered and kissed her cheek lightly. He looked down at her, watching her sleep.

"God you're beautiful. I love you so much." He whispered to her as she was sleeping. Knowing how lucky he was. How much he really wanted her and finally had her all to himself.

But as he was drifting off to sleep he pictured something that had him in a cold sweat. He leaned up a little and rested his head on his arm and started to prop himself up. "Why am I thinking about this shit right now?"

He argued with himself in his mind. He laid back down. But when he closed his eyes he saw her again. "Why the hell am I thinking about Patty?" He wondered.

1 comment:

  1. I love this story. Is Chapter 91 the last chapter? I hope not!!!


Chapter 93: A Perfect Night

John was trying to finish the last swallow of a beer he had grabbed out of the fridge. He wasn't worried in the least about mixing his m...