Saturday, August 17, 2019

Chapter 31: Songs Of The Heart

John finally drifted off to sleep. He was snuggled up to Ashley. His face jammed in her long blonde hair. They were sleeping so good, when a loud clash of thunder exploded outside. Shaking the walls and jolting them awake.

She opened her eyes and was instantly comforted when she looked over and saw John's pretty blue eyes looking at her.

"I forgot where I was." She smiled. "I can't believe I fell asleep. I was going to put my clothes back on."

"Don't, just leave them off baby. I like feeling your body next to mine."

"But what if Richie's Mom comes back to check on us?"

"I locked the door. But she won't, she sleeps like a log." He chuckled.

There was more thunder and the sky lit up, right outside the window with a huge flash of lightning.

"Oh God!" She shrieked at the loud clash outside. She burrowed in his arms and rested her face on his hairy chest, the spot that she loved so much. She ran her hand up and down his chest. Gently running her fingers through the hair. "I love you John."

"I love you too." He smiled at her.

"You know I don't think I like this?" He chuckled


"You laying naked, here in Richie's bed." He grinned.

"Well you got me naked!" She giggled.

"I know and it was so worth it.  Let's spend the whole day together. I want to take you riding on the motorcycle later and we can go check out the boardwalk. I want to go by that tattoo place there."

"Okay sounds fun. Are you really gonna get one?"

"Yeah when I start making more money. I've always wanted one."

"What about you? Have you ever wanted one? You could get a red heart with John written in it." He chuckled.

"No way, I'm too afraid of needles!"

"I would be there to hold your hand, if you wanted me to."

"Nope not me! I like them, I think they're so sexy but I just couldn't do it! What are you thinking of getting?"

"I don't know, maybe a guitar or a dragon or a bunch of letters across my heart."

"What letters?" She asked with a confused look on her face.

"Oh just some letters, that I'm really fond of, A-S-H-L-E-Y." He called each letter out.

"You better not!" She had a serious look on her face.

"Why not? Why wouldn't you want me to put your name on my arm Ash?"

"Tattoos are forever and you wouldn't want to be stuck with my name that long, if we don't work out."

John sat up on the bed with  his lap covered by the blanket. "That doesn't make any sense, unless you think this is just temporary and you have no real damn plans to be with me!" He was getting a little ticked off.

"Of course I want to be with you! It's not that. I just don't want anybody else stuck with my name on their body if we break up!"

John's blood pressure shot up a little.  "Anybody else! Wait a minute, who the hell are we talking about here?"

"I don't want to fight with you John!"

"Fuck that! You're going to tell me right now, what the hell your talking about!"

She really didn't want to get into it, but she knew he wouldn't give up.

"Bret has my name on his back. And Jake has my initials on his arm."

"What the fuck Ashley! Why the hell didn't you tell me?"

"I don't know! You didn't ask me!"

John jumped up and put his pants on.

"John why are you so mad about this?"

"I really don't know, but something about the fact that we just slept together and I find out, not one but two damn guys have your name tattooed on their fucking body, just pisses me off!"

He paced back and forth thinking to himself, "if anybody should have her damn name tattooed on them it should be me! She's my damn girlfriend!"

"I'm sorry John, please don't be mad at me! I never asked either one of them to to that!" She got up from the bed and slipped her dress and panties back on.

"I'm not mad at you, it just pisses me off, it's like they still have a little piece of you or something."

"Aww John you have every piece of me. Why do you think I decided to lose my virginity to you? After I had waited so long. I love you and I don't care what they have. You have me, and I gave you the most precious thing I had."

Her words seemed to cool him down a little. "I'm sorry. I'm a real dumbass baby. But the thought of you with anybody else drives me crazy."

She wanted to bring up the job Bret had offered her but she knew, damn well this wasn't the right time.

"It's okay John. I'm plenty jealous of all the girls you used to be with too."

"Well don't be, I don't give a shit about any of them!"

But in her mind she wondered if he was really telling her the truth about that.

Richie and David knocked on the door and John opened it.

"Well well well, what's going on in here?" Richie asked entering the room.

"Nothing man we just got up. Can I borrow one of your shirts?

"Yeah, go ahead. How's your head feeling today?"

"It's still hurting, but I'll survive."

Ashley was quiet and seemed a little distracted.

"Ashley you sure are quiet over there? Long night? Richie asked grinning. "Seemed like you were a little louder last night!" He snickered.

Ashley looked at him and rolled her eyes.

"But I'm serious, something loud kept me awake!" Richie laughed.

"Me too!" David replied chuckling.

It sounded something like, "oh John! I want you so bad!" Richie emphasized.

"Really because I heard "oh John give it too me big Daddy!" David replied and they both laughed hysterically.

"Haha." John said sarcastically. "Why don't you two go find you some women instead of listening at the wall at me being alone with mine!" He snapped. Not really in the mood for their childish shit right now.

"Okay man, take it easy. We're just kidding." Richie tried to have a straight face.

He looked at Ashley. "We are just picking at you darlin. I hope we didn't hurt your feelings." He grinned at her.

"Thanks Richie. I appreciate that, but I'm fine. I'm getting used to all y'alls warped sense of humor." She grinned back at him.

Joan walked in and stood by Richie. "Well how are you feeling this morning Johnny?"

"Okay I guess. My head's hurting some."

She pulled the bandage back. "It looks good. Just make sure you keep applying the antibiotic ointment in this tube when you go home."

"I will, thanks."

"Your welcome." She turned to Ashley.  "Are you feeling okay?"

"Yes mam, I feel better. Thanks so much for helping us out last night."

"You are very welcome, but don't think anything of it. These boys are always getting into something and expecting me to patch them up! I have breakfast ready for everybody. So come eat it, while it's still hot."

Everybody walked out and John grabbed Ashley as she walked by him. He pulled her into his arms. "Are you mad at me?"

"No, I love you."

"I love you too. Let's eat and then we can go home. But I stiill want to go out on the bike later."

She smiled. "Okay."

They ate breakfast and walked out to the car and drove home. Ashley went inside to soak in the tub and John went in to shower and try to wash around his wound. But he sure wasn't leaving that bandage on and going out in public.

Ashley got out of the tub and got dressed. She wasn't sure when he wanted to go but she wanted to be ready. She heard a knock at the door and opened it. John was standing there with a black jacket in his hand.

"Hey beautiful are you ready?"

"Yep just waiting on you. What's the jacket for?"

"I didn't know if you had one so I brought you one of mine."

"Aww thanks." He helped her slide it on. It smelled just like his Polo cologne.

They walked outside and he climbed up on the bike and she jumped on it and sat down and threw her arms around him.

She noticed his bandage was gone but his hair covered over the spot nicely. They drove for a little bit and stopped at a clearing overlooking a huge river.

"This is the Navesink River. I'd love to look at this view everyday." He smiled taking in the whole scene.

"Oh John, it's beautiful! I love it!"

John got off the bike and stood next to her.

"Not as beautiful as you are." He leaned over and kissed her.

"Let's head over to the boardwalk. Are you hungry?"

"Yeah a little."

"We can eat at Steaks Unlimited."

"Okay sounds good."

They pulled up and parked and walked down the boardwalk a little ways looking around at few of the shops. He stopped at Ocean View Tattoos and went inside. It was a big shop. Lots of art and photos on the wall to pick a tattoo from.

A big tattooed guy walked up front.

Hey man. How's it going?"

"I'm good, just looking around." John replied.

"Okay hunting some ink?"

"Yeah maybe."

"Is this your first one?"

"Yeah it will be."

"Cool I love doing tattoo virgins." He laughed.

John looked at Ashley and grinned. "I ain't been referred to as a virgin in a long damn time. He laughed and she giggled.

"What about you Miss hotness? Are you here to get some work done? Depending on what you want, I might just volunteer my services."

John cut this guy a heated look that he ignored.

"She's with me!" John spoke up. "She ain't interested!"

They exchanged looks and the guy turned and announced. "If you find anything you like, let me know." He walked back to the storage room.

"Damn I can't take you anywhere, without somebody hitting on you. And he's a big ass dude too. I've got to start lifting weights." He grinned.

"Oh shut up." She smiled.

Ashley was looking at a book of tattoos and she heard John say, "look over here Ash, it's your man." She looked up and saw John standing next to a huge superman blow up doll.

"Wow my two favorite men!" She laughed.

"You can only pick one of us! So who's it going to be?"

"I don't know. You are both look so handsome!" She giggled.

She looked back at the book.

"What about now Ashley?"

She looked up again and he was posing himself and superman in a suggestive pose.

"Oh my Lord, you could even corrupt superman!" She laughed.

"So you have to pick now! You know what I'm packing and he's just got a lot of hot air!" He laughed.

"Oh I would definitely pick you John. I've got to have you and all the things you're so good at. Maybe I might let you show me again later tonight."

He dropped superman's hand. "Really are you serious?"

"Maybe, I said maybe." She smiled.

"You want to get out of here? I'm starving!"

"But you didn't find anything yet?"

"I've got to get some money first. I saw the prices. That's what I needed to know. Let's go eat."

"Okay, I'm hungry."

They walked over to Steaks Unlimited.

They picked up some menus and started looking them over.

They've got a sandwich on here named after me. He grinned. "Look at the eighth one down from the top."

"What?" She smiled and started looking for it.

She started smiling.

"That's me, big John." He chuckled.

"You are so crazy. But I love you."

"I love you too."

They ordered their food and when it came they ate it pretty quickly.

"There's one more place I want to take you."


"Our spot."

She smiled. "Okay."

They pulled up at the beach and got off the bike.

"It's so beautiful here John."

"My Grandpa first brought me here when I was a little kid. He taught me to swim right here. I always came back by myself. When I was happy or sad. When I got my heart broken. I could write songs or think. Whatever I needed to do. He looked at her. This is our spot now. It's the first place I kissed you. The first place I told you I loved you. This is our very special place away from everybody."

"I love it John. I love being here with you."

They sat down in the sand. He was behind her and he had his arms around her as they held hands. They looked out at the water as the sea breeze blew through their long flowing hair. So happy and content with each other.

"We need to go I need to stop by the Fast Lane and talk to Harold. I was supposed to call him about my new job. But I've been out enjoying myself with you."


John parked the bike and they went inside. Harold was holding auditions for the house band at the Galaxy, before the Fast Lane opened tonight. Ashley sat down at a table to wait for John to talk to him.

John walked up to him. "Hey Mr. Harold I know I was supposed to call."

"Don't sweat it kid. Just be over at the Galaxy club at 8 a.m. tomorrow. We have a lot of painting to do.

John had his back to the stage. As a guy was playing guitar and finishing up. It sounded like shit to him. "Have you heard anybody that's any good?"

"This next girl is pretty good." Harold replied with a grin.

John heard the voice and there was really no need to turn around. He knew who it was, the second she started singing. The same voice that used to sing right to his heart. He turned to the stage and there she was. "Patty!" He mumbled under his breath gritting his teeth. "What the fuck!" He thought.

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